Saturday, November 10, 2012

Research Simulation

Research Simulation

At this time I am still deciding what topic truly interest me. I am always concerned about the topic of poverty. Since I work in the city of Camden and have been a long time resident in the city, I have seen the affects that poverty can have on children and their families.  At the same time, I am interested in the study of children and grief. This topic interests me because my students seem desensitized about grief.  Maybe it is away to examine grief as it relates to poverty?

So far I have found a historian that has studied the city of Camden.  He has a website that he has dedicated his retired life to, which examines the history of Camden including the economical rise and fall of the city. I believe that his information will give me a start to describe what happened economically to this once highly industrialized city. 

If anyone have any insights or suggestions about either poverty of grief I would gladly appreciate the help.